Viewpoint – Guiding hand offered

I find most satisfaction in being a Councillor comes from working with people to achieve a good outcome.In this term of Council that has been all the more effective through the teamwork of myself and fellow Albany Ward councillor John Watson on both local and regional issues.

Improving the ferry service at Gulf Harbour is a case in point. John and I back the ferry patrons and Fairway Bay for ongoing improvements to the service with John getting direct feedback from a snap-shot survey.

Presenting a solid case to Auckland Transport with community backing and combined research will bring about travel times and ferry types that better meet requirements. The goal must be to build a ferry service with faster, better boats suited to the run into the city.

A trip time closer to half an hour would result in much greater patronage and was always the original concept at the start of Gulf Harbour.At the regional level there are issues like the Stadium Strategy where we support the position of the Warriors to stay at Mount Smart, Speedway at Western Springs and Auckland Cricket at their home – the Eden Park No 2 ground.

Our position is taken on the back of solid research talking with the groups directly affected, checking the costs and benefits of the options and arriving at the best fit. An improved status quo has real merit with huge savings over an expensive shifting exercise that has considerable risks. The feedback and support we get from the community both locally and regionally is invaluable. We welcome the opportunity to meet with groups and individuals and especially to collaborate on issues. With the experience we have had on Council and in the community it is often possible to work out a strategy for a successful outcome.Negotiating a path through the Council and its departments, the seven Council Controlled Organisations and Local Boards can be difficult and is different from issue to issue. This is where we can help, guide and advise – ideally earlier rather than later. It’s great to get suggestions for improvements. We’re then in a position to take them up with the relevant people across Council and where the opportunity arises bring them up at the appropriate committee. Most of the committees of council and the Council Controlled Organisations also allow a short time for public input.

If there is something coming up or some information that could be of help please pass it on to us. Contact is easy via the email address above.